I am posting this story because I think it reveals one of the most severe problems we have in the United States.
We do not promote humane values and we do not encourage people to rise to higher levels of behavior.
We do not encourage each other to problem solve or to show patience. We do not teach each other how to deal with frustration and, thus, people become angry and hurt each other.
We do not encourage each other to communicate politely, showing dignity to the other person.
Our schools and our churches and our families are failing us. The United States of America is one of the most violent countries in the world because we continually promote the wrong values.
Vocabulary from the article:
a 2nd degree murder charge: This means that a person deliberately chose to kill another person. 1st degree murder usually means a police officer or public official has been murdered. A charge is an allegation - the police are claiming, or charging, that a 2nd degree murder occurred.
a heated argument: an argument in which both people became angrier and angrier.
she allegedly ate: this means that the story has not been proved yet. It is an "alleged" story, a story people are claiming to be true but it has to be proved in court.
a dispute - an argument
to escalate - to get worse and worse
they clashed - they disagreed and argued
they found him unresponsive - he wasn't moving, he could not respond because he had died
physical evidence contradicted her claim: she said she shot him accidentally, but the experienced police officers could see that she had deliberately shot him.