Wednesday, February 19, 2025

A woman killed her boyfriend because he complained she ate too much for breakfast


Read the story hereLatin Times Story

I am posting this story because I think it reveals one of the most severe problems we have in the United States. 

We do not promote humane values and we do not encourage people to rise to higher levels of behavior. 

We do not encourage each other to problem solve or to show patience. We do not teach each other how to deal with frustration and, thus, people become angry and hurt each other.

We do not encourage each other to communicate politely, showing dignity to the other person.

Our schools and our churches and our families are failing us. The United States of America is one of the most violent countries in the world because we continually promote the wrong values.

Vocabulary from the article:

a 2nd degree murder charge: This means that a person deliberately chose to kill another person. 1st degree murder usually means a police officer or public official has been murdered. A charge is an allegation - the police are claiming, or charging, that a 2nd degree murder occurred.

a heated argument: an argument in which both people became angrier and angrier.

she allegedly ate: this means that the story has not been proved yet. It is an "alleged" story, a story people are claiming to be true but it has to be proved in court.

a dispute - an argument

to escalate - to get worse and worse

they clashed - they disagreed and argued

they found him unresponsive - he wasn't moving, he could not respond because he had died

physical evidence contradicted her claim: she said she shot him accidentally, but the experienced police officers could see that she had deliberately shot him.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

The Cambodian Ghost - a short-story about the poverty and injustice in Cambodia - by Daniel Gauss (on Mobius: The Journal of Social Change)

You can click on any image to enlarge it. 

Please feel free to read my short story, The Cambodian Ghost here: Cambodian Ghost by Gauss

The story is a work of fiction, all of the characters are fictional. The story is a fictional story set in a contemporary Cambodia. 

I think it is important for people to realize that suffering in Cambodia did not end after the Killing Fields. It persists to this day.

Here is my bio from Mobius: 

Here is the monument that the Cambodian ghost leads the protagonist of the story to:

Thank you for reading my short story. Please email me with any feedback.

Thank you -

Daniel Gauss

My writer's portfolio is here: Writer's Portfolio: Gauss

Friday, August 2, 2024

Parents are more important than schools, but there's a catch... (article by Daniel Gauss on Visible Magazine)


I recently had an article published about the importance of parents in a child's education.

Here is the article:

For those of you who are learning English as an additional language, I wanted to explain the title. 

Parents are more important than schools, but there's a catch...

"a catch" is used a lot in English. In this case it would mean, "Parents are more important than schools. However, there is something important to realize."

So, in the article, I argue that many parents set very high expectations for their children and apply too much pressure on their children to succeed in school. They achieve their goal of good grades and academic success, but they do not help their children to become self-motivated and life-long learners. 

I think it is interesting that in the IT revolution which started in the 1990s and early 2000s, you did not have Harvard graduates who created this revolution. You had guys who quit or dropped out of Harvard so that they could pursue their own goals and learning objectives - they chose self-motivation over academic achievement.

I think a student can be self-motivated and do well in college, but these guys felt they needed extra time and space away from their universities. A "tiger" mom would not have let them do this and they would not have done anything original.

Getting back to: "...there's a catch" :

Or, I might say, "I will let you borrow my car, but there's a catch. The catch is that you have to drive me to the airport tomorrow."

I asked Microsoft AI "Copilot" to explain what a catch is: 

Definition: “A catch” refers to a hidden drawback or condition in an offer or deal that might make it less appealing than it initially seems.

Example: Imagine you tell someone, “I will give you this book, but there’s a catch.” This means you are willing to give them the book, but there is an additional condition or requirement they must meet.


  • Scenario: You offer a student a free book.
  • Catch: They must write a book report on it within a week


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Real Guy in the Mirror - A Children's Poem by Daniel Gauss


You can read the poem on Dirigible Balloon as well - a quality website for children's poetry:

I look in a mirror and what do I see?
Reflections of light pretend to be me.
I’m real, I’m the real guy,
But the guy in the mirror looks more real than I.
If this guy in the mirror is what other folks get
I guess that’s OK, he’s the best guy I’ve met.
But I want to be a much kinder person,
And I wish this showed more in my mirror version.
I’d like to make the good stuff inside me the real reflection
And help people bloom like gardenias upon my detection.
Well, I gotta get moving, though, and get out there and go,
And meet folks from their own mirrors who left moments ago.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Raven and The Peacock - a children's poem by Daniel Gauss about forgiveness and meaningful remembrance

This poem was published on an excellent website for children's poetry called Dirigible Balloon.

Raven and Peacock Daniel Gauss   <--- Click on the link to read Dan's poem.

Here is the poem with AI generated images. I used Microsoft's "copilot" to create images and that turned out well.

The Raven and the Peacock by Daniel Gauss

The colors of the peacock were something to adulate,
And the animals in the forest were delighted by their luster;
All animals except the raven, who this beauty could not celebrate,
And in his heart, toward this brilliance, only jealousy could muster.

“Why can’t I be as colorful as the peacock?” he would brood.
“I am good at solving mysteries, I need to learn her secret.
The goal is very simple, to go from feathers black to multi-hued.
There has to be some trick, some magic little trinket.”

One day the peacock’s radiance began to slowly fade.
She then began to hunt for something that was distinctive.
It was a cruel and deadly snake of which all creatures were afraid,
But the peacock showed a bravery that was surely part instinctive.

The fight was wild and ghastly, but the peacock’s bravery prevailed.
The fierce and cruel snake lay lifeless in her claws.
When she began to feast upon this creature a miracle entailed
And her colors quickly restored due to secret ancient laws.

The raven had discovered the age-old secret practice.
With his intelligence and courage he could this thing repeat;
And so he plotted out some clever little tactics
To make sure he’d soon be eating some magical snake meat.

Yes, the raven went hunting for the same type of beast,
And attacked one in a manner that was simply quite vicious.
Nothing could stop the raven from enjoying his own feast.
His bravery was not from instinct; he was just quite avaricious.

He looked down upon the snake as its life helplessly vanished,
And with a sense of victory and pride he contemplated his cuisine.
The long, tough and risky fight had left him clearly famished.
Without hesitation he picked the snake’s skeleton clean.

The raven wondered how it would feel to be transformed.
He sauntered to a pond to watch his feathers refashion.
But he grew weaker and more dizzy as his body greatly warmed.
The raven died, his eyes going from sparkling bright to deadly ashen.

Sometimes children would pass by and see the raven lying still.
They would say, “What a beautiful bird this was, it is so sad he died.”
They lovingly touched his rich dark feathers, but only felt a chill;
And many sat down next to the poor bird and cried.

The animals had loved the raven, he was usually so smart and witty;
But, he had wanted the beauty and grace that another had possessed.
They did not blame him, from their love they felt great pity.
The raven had touched each of them and from this they all felt blessed.

“We will bury the raven under the tree he loved the most.
Let’s all go through the woods and find only the best that can bloom.
Plant these over him so no area greater beauty can boast,
And we can remember his life in a garden not a tomb.”

One day the peacock passed the place where raven calmly slept.
A gentle fragrance had led the bright bird to go that way.
And seeing all the beautiful colors the peacock sadly wept.
“Only these flowers are more beautiful than the feathers I display.”

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Day the Ants Applauded Me - funny children's poem by Daniel Gauss about being able to choose the emotions we feel

My children's poem The Day the Ants Applauded Me was published in this fine journal of children's literature: BLJ issue 14 by BALLOONS Lit. Journal - Issuu

You can find it on page 35.

Here is a copy of the poem:

The Day the Ants Applauded Me (published in Balloons Lit. Journal)

By Daniel Gauss 

I stepped on a snail and heard it go crunch

But 10 minutes later the ants had their lunch.

Poor little snail could not have seen

That my clumsy old self did not want to be mean.

I was just in a hurry to catch my ride,

Not seeing the guy, I did not change my stride.

My heart was broken when I heard the shell crack,

I wish time went two ways and I could go back.

But happy, happy as they could be,

All the dear ants applauded me.

“I’m no hero,” I said to their gathering throng,

“Indeed, I feel I did something so wrong.”

“Do not feel so guilty,” the queen ant said,

“It’s much better for us that we found this guy dead.

We’re not into killing or chewing alive,

We wait for such accidents and on them we thrive.

You killed one fat snail, and we know how you grieve,

But please share our joy in this meal we receive.”

So a lot of people enjoy reading the poem and think it is clever and funny, but when I ask them what it means to them, they are not sure.

Well, to me, it is about our right and capacity to choose our own emotions and how we are going to respond to events in the world or things that happen to us.

The person in the poem clearly has two choices: he can feel guilty for accidentally stepping on a snail, or he can feel joy and celebrate with the ants.

Which choice would you make?                                                                      



Monday, June 24, 2024

New York City Sucks, But You'll Wanna Come Here Anyway! <--- get a free copy

Hello Friends from around the World,

Many years ago I wrote a book expressing what many people who live in New York City feel: "Wow, this city really sucks, but I don't want to live anywhere else!"

Well, I changed my mind and thought New York City sucked so badly that I moved to China to teach English. I have been having a wonderful and productive time in the megacity of Shenzhen, very close to Hong Kong and Guangzhou.

You can buy my book from amazon (it's very funny): New York City Sucks, But You'll Wanna Live Here Anyway: An English Reading, Vocabulary and Idiom-Building Book for Students Who Want To Know The Truth About the Big Apple - Kindle edition by Gauss, Daniel. Reference Kindle eBooks @

Or, if you were to just write to me at I would be happy to send you a FREE PDF copy.

If you work for a foreign publishing company, and you might like to publish this book, I would be happy to help you do this. If I have any profits coming from publication, you can give them to a charity. I have enough money that I have earned to take care of myself. 

I believe you can also read the book from here for free: New York City Sucks, But You'll Wanna Come Here Anyway by Daniel Gauss - Issuu

So you have 3 choices. :)

I also write very thoughtful and sometimes funny essays. Please feel free to read them here

Here is a 5-minute play I wrote about the need for greater humanity in the field of education:

I love every one of you! Spread love, and peace, and kindness and tolerance! Say "No" to anger and hatred! Say "No" to greed and empty power.