Friday, January 12, 2018

Vicente Fox says that Trump's mouth is the "foulest shithole in the world."

I am guessing that within the next four years, due to the presidency of Donald Trump, the world will become familiar with every curse word/dirty word in the English language.

President Trump just introduced the dirty word 'shithole' to English learners world-wide.

So, as a responsible English teacher, let me discuss the meaning of this term that my president so suddenly introduced to you.

You could say that, literally, a shithole is a toilet, but it is actually an outdoor toilet, basically a hole in the ground where people might defecate (to defecate is the polite verb for to poop or to shit). 

If you say that a place is a shithole, you are saying it is really a lousy, rotten, bad, dirty, disgusting place - like what you might find at the bottom of a shithole.

So, apparently, Trump asked the question, "Why do only people from shithole countries come to America?"

What the world has to understand is that Donald Trump has no capacity for self-restraint (self-control). He can't say 'no' to any urge or desire he feels. Whatever he feels like saying, he has to say. Sometimes he'll change his mind and say exactly the opposite. He lacks the ability to reflect on or think about his actions and he never questions whether the way he feels is right or wrong or whether he might hurt someone through something he does or says. He is like a boat just being pushed around on the ocean, going wherever his emotions or emotional responses take him. 

Furthermore, after he does something, he is incapable of assessing whether what he did was right or wrong. He seems capable of attacking others for their faults and errors, but self-assessment is beyond his little pea-sized brain.

So Trump is, basically, the perfect example of a Republican in the USA.

Here is an article about the current president of the USA and his 'shithole' comment.

The article:

Vocabulary to help you understand the article:

to prompt - to cause

condemnation - to condemn something is to say it is very wrong

divisive - it pushes people apart instead of bringing them together

explicitly - openly, directly (the opposite of explicitly is implicitly - this is when you hint or imply something and don't say it outright)

to summon someone - to call someone to appear before you

to commemorate - to remember

to displace - to force something out of its usual space

to be accorded - to be given

granted - given

strife - trouble

vacant - nobody is there

the foulest -  if something is foul it is super disgusting

to proclaim - to loudly state something

a betrayal - not being loyal to something/someone

a narcissist - someone who is in love with himself

white supremacist - a white person who thinks that white people are better than other people of other races

to defy logic - to violate the laws of logic, to make no sense

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