Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Family-Orchestrated Suicide Bombing in Indonesia

If something is "orchestrated" by someone, it is planned and guided by someone. In this case, members of one particular family in Indonesia orchestrated three suicide bombings of churches in the city of Surabaya.

The article:

Vocabulary from the article:

a wave of blasts - a series of explosions. If the same thing happens in a series of events, you can say that a "wave" of this thing happened. Let's say that there have been a series of fires in a neighborhood, one after the other, for 5 or 6 days. The news will say: There has been a wave of fires in ____ neighborhood. A blast is an explosion.

to target something - to choose something

to claim a bombing - if there is a bombing committed by a group, often this group will contact the police or newspapers and "claim" the bombing, meaning they will admit that they did it

a network - a collection of affiliated members, a group of members

a bomb-laden car - a car loaded or filled with bombs

detonated - exploded

to foil an attack - to stop an attack, to prevent some harmful plan is to foil a plan

barbaric - not civilized

perpetrators - those who have committed crimes

terrorist cells - a terrorist cell is a small group of terrorists who work together

sustained - continuing

a de-radicalization program - this is an educational program to convince people that they do not have to be so "radical" in their attempt to change things that they think are wrong. Radical is not usually a negative term - sometimes a radical approach to a problem is necessary or a radical person can do a lot of good. Radical often means "extreme" - but according to the origin of the word, a radical is someone who wants to change things from the roots of a problem. He/she wants a real solution.

alternative incomes for released terrorists - so the government basically said to these released terrorists, "Listen, here's a nice job and some money...please choose a less violent life." Alternative means something different. So this is an income different from what a person might make from terrorism.

to invigorate something - to give something or someone new life. A person might say, "I just ran six kilometers this morning. I feel invigorated!"

loosely constituted jihadi networks - loosely constituted means not very strongly organized or put together; a jihadist is a person who claims to follow the Islamic religion and who wishes to fight and kill his religious enemies.

intolerance - not being able to accept others who are different or believe in different things.

tolerant - able to accept and live with differences

pluralistic - diverse, one place containing many different kinds of people

civilians - non-military people

to predate something - to come before something

al Qaeda linked - affiliated with al Qaeda, associated with al Qaeda (this is a terrorist group that began in Afghanistan and which was responsible for the attack against the World Trade Center in New York City)

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