Sunday, June 3, 2018

Asking questions properly in English

Lots of students have trouble asking questions in English. Here's an exercise to help you.

The most important thing to remember is that after a question word or phrase you need a VERB.

Why did he choose to take a bus to Cleveland? NOT: Why he choose....

What kind of ring did he buy? NOT: What kind of ring he buy? 

REMEMBER: you use 'does' 'did' with a verb and 'is'/'are'/'was'/'were' with an adjective.

Are you angry?  Is he smart? Was he happy to receive the gift? What is he angry about? 

I am not feeling well.

What's wrong with you? Why aren't you feeling well?

I don't want to eat that salad.

Why don't you want to eat that salad?

Joe was very angry today.

Why was Joe very angry today?

Bob won't be coming in to work today.

Why won't Bob be coming in to work today?

I need help.

How can I help you? What kind of help do you need?

I was so irritated yesterday.

Why were you so irritated yesterday?

Ralph died.

How did he die?

Did you hear about what happened in Memphis this morning?

What happened in Memphis this morning?

I hurt my elbow.

How did you hurt your elbow?

Jane went on vacation.

Where did she go on vacation? When will she be back?

My dog ran away but someone found him and brought him back.

Who found your dog?

I was late for work today.

Why were you late?

I had a strange dream last night.

What did you dream?

I became angry and tried to hit Joe in the face.

Why did you become so angry?

My brother is getting a divorce.

Why is he getting a divorce?

I'm going to move to Brooklyn soon.

When will you move to Brooklyn?

Did you hear about Bob?

What happened to Bob?

I'm so jealous of Bob.

Why are you so jealous of Bob?

I earned a lot of money last week.

How did you earn a lot of money last week?

My boss sucks!

Why does your boss suck?

I threw your pen away.

Why did you throw my pen away?

The government is corrupt.

How is the government corrupt? Why do you say that?

That company is in a new city now.

In which city are they located? Where are they now?

I had such a great time last night.

What did you do? How did you have a great time?

The restaurant we both liked moved to a new location.

Why did it move to a new location?

We need economic reform in this country.

What kind of reform do we need?

I'm sad.

Why are you sad?

I was able to fix my cell phone.

How did you fix it?

I will never fly on that airline again!

Why not? What happened on that airline?

I think that airline is racist.

Why do you say that?

That sandwich is bad for your health.

Why is it bad for my health?

Joe is sick.

What's wrong with him? Why is he sick?

I need to go back to Chicago for a few weeks.

Why do you have to do that?

I need a vacation.

Why do you need a vacation?

You should I visit Chicago.

Why should I visit Chicago?

I finally fixed my car.

What was wrong with it? How did you fix it?

I yelled at my friend.

Why did you yell at your friend?

I saw a great movie.

Why was it great? Which movie did you see?

My favorite restaurant is closing.

Why is it closing?

Don't use the number 7 subway line this weekend.

What's wrong with it?  Why not?

You should vote for a third party candidate.

Why should I vote for a third party candidate.

Joe moved.

Where did he move to?

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